Welcome to Your Answer

We are Cobrastrike, a great public relations company that will play a crucial role in shaping and maintaining the positive image of either you, your organization, or your company.

These are some aspects of what we do very well:

  • Reputation Management – Build and preserve a positive reputation for our clients.

  • Crisis Management – We help strategize our clients response to negative events or negative press to mitigate damage to their brand.

  • Media Relations – We foster relationships with the media to secure and guide positive coverage of our clients.

  • Content Creation – Creative press releases, speeches, and other content that enact a positive reception.

  • Strategic Communication – We plan and you execute proven communication strategies to build beneficial relationships between our clients and the public.

  • Event Coordination – Organizing events that can improve client visibility and public image.

  • Social Media Management – Handling the client’s presence on social media platforms to engage with the audience and promote our clients’ positive image.

At Cobrastrike, we are the bridgebuilders between clients and the public.

About Cobra Strike

We help business owners address complaints reported to the Better Business Bureau (BBB). A lack of trust and bad press can significantly impact a business’s financial performance. Here’s how:

  • Business Margins: Trust is a form of corporate capital. High levels of trust can lead to better employee engagement, productivity, and customer loyalty, which in turn can improve margins.

    Revenues: Trust among individuals within a country has been shown to correlate with economic prosperity. A 10-percentage point increase in trust can raise annual per capita real GDP growth by about 0.5 percentage points, which implies higher revenues for businesses operating in high-trust environments.

  • Business Margins: Negative reviews or press can deter potential customers, leading to lost sales and thus affecting profit margins. For example, a furniture store losing 160 potential sales at $500 each due to negative reviews could see an annual revenue loss of $80,000.

    Revenues: Almost 30% of businesses surveyed estimated a loss of $10,000 to $50,000 due to negative PR in a single fiscal year, indicating a direct impact on revenues.

Both trust and reputation are crucial to the financial health of a business, influencing both business margins and revenues. Contact us with a sense of urgency to help undo the harm that open complaints can cause.